Thursday, July 30, 2015


I was sent this photo and asked to post it in reference to the "Dudebox" drama.  Yes, it's now dubbed "Dudebox."  Don't worry, I didn't copyright it.  Feel free to use it.  The photo was sent along with this message:

"Thanks for posting the screenshots. Can't say I was expecting you to but I was pleasantly surprised. I have another pic I want you to post if you would. This was posted on CM but it was poofed after a very short period and I was bashed for it without being able to tell my side. So here is my side if you would please post it.

I did not post the picture to shame, pick on or disrespect anyone with an actual condition, illness, or going through any type of other negative things in their lives. I posted it to call attention to someone who is lying about these things and she is definitely lying. I keep seeing people say that she isn't lying, and we have been threatening for years, but it's really coming this time. She knows it too because she's scared and she disappeared. She is trying to figure out who is responsible and what is coming. She has lied so much about so many different things that it could be anything. But what she doesn't know is that it's all coming out. This goes so much deeper than juicebox and tourettes. She is scrambling trying to figure out what to do right now. We know she will just come back with a  different SN but it's still about accountability and the truth coming out and the people she has hurt in this process getting closure. She is a shameful person.

So that is my side. I really hope you post it. I want to make it clear that I was not trying to make fun of or disrespect a whole community of people. Just a liar. Thank you."

And the photo:

I heard you wanted drama.

Hello, CMers!

Sorry it's been awhile since the last update.  Summer time and back-to-school season don't leave me with much online time.

Anyway. . .  when I created this blog, it was with the previously-stated intentions.  However, it has been brought to my attention and made very clear by an overwhelming majority that you guys want something different.  And since I'm not making this blog only for myself (that would be silly,) I will appease the masses!  From now on, anything drama-worthy that I see or that you send in will be posted.

It was expressed to me as well that some of you are frustrated with how other blogs ask for submissions, but will only post based on their biases.  No worries here, ladies!  No member is off-limits if they've decided to stir the pot!  I don't care how popular they are!

My e-mail is loaded with screenshots, and I am so out of the CM loop lately.  It looks like I missed a lot.  I am only going to post the 2 most recent ones, however, for the sake of time and not having to scroll down for 3 years.

 First off, the big shocker (probably not a big shocker for some of you, but definitely a big one for others):

It looks like the_dude may be completely full of it.  I will offer my personal opinion and say that while I don't know if the rumor about her being juicebox is true (though it has never looked good on the juicebox front due to many factors including timing, wording, pictures etc. -- it is all far too convenient, which is why she has been accused for so long by so many,) it does appear that she has definitely fudged a lot of her personal details.

In fact, "fudged" is probably too mild and polite of a word if this is adding up to what it seems to be.  There were a TON of screenshots pertaining to this, and I couldn't post them all or this would just be way too long.  But there was one I specifically remember of a certain member expressing concern over the possible deceit because she had apparently become close with the_dude and they had bonded over their "condition."  And beyond that, the list of things she supposedly lied about seems to be very long and very serious.  So far, we have: domestic abuse, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourettes Syndrome, and The World Trade Center Bombing.  That is a pretty comprehensive list of serious ass shit that one should never lie about (aka mock and belittle.) 

Remember, though, that I said it appears she has been dishonest.  I don't have concrete proof.  I'm not sure if anybody does.  If they do, I'm sure it will come out eventually.  Until then, I'm not going to crucify her or call her guilty.  I'm just going to say that it doesn't look good.

This one sort of made me go "wtf" and made me chuckle.  Like, I couldn't figure out if she was trolling.  Or if she's being honest and open about something so ridiculous and she has gathered so many supporters?  Seriously, I opened up the thread and it's full of people who are like "Wow, way to go!"  There's not one person who said the first thing that came to my mind which was "Wow, you married a homophobe?  And you are openly admitting it to the public?  You married and procreated with a man that is a homophobe?  Okay, he changed.  But you didn't know he was going to change.  Most people like that don't change.  They stay set in their ways.  That's bad.  Like, that's really, really bad."  I guess some people on CM can do no wrong!  If anyone else had posted it, they would've been crucified! lol

I'm still hoping she's trolling and she's just really good at it.  Sorry in advance for the ridiculously long screenshots, that's just how she posted it.

Keep the screenshots coming, and thanks for the ones that have already been sent!

What do you think of these members and the current drama?  What else would you like to see featured?  Let me know!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Does Readyforbaby2 Own Cafemom Safe Haven?

So it looks like there's another new blog titled "Cafemom Save Have."  I'm pretty sure that's an error and they meant "Cafemom Safe Haven," but they clearly put that blog together in haste and it's sloppy as hell.

The author of the blog has pretty much made herself known without meaning to.  She has created 2 posts about the blog and given out the link in both.  She has also mentioned the blog and linked to it in responses to other posts.  She is the first source to mention the blog on Cafemom.  How did she come upon it?  She is either the author or is involved.  Looks like a couple other people agree with me.  She also poofed the post when she saw that we saw right through her.

It's pretty convincing information to me, but you can all form your own opinions.

The first post on the blog is very disrespectful and includes names and pictures of members and their children, dubbing them "bastards" and "ugly."

**Edited to say that I sincerely apologize to all members of CM who were themselves featured or had their children featured on that blog.  I have personally reported the blog and encourage others to do so as well.

Friday, July 10, 2015


Hi, guys!  I'm keeping the chatter short because it's Friday night and ain't nobody got time for that!  I have some more screenshots from those infamous CM nasty nellies!  I had quite a few submitted by you guys, so thanks for that--and as always, keep them coming!

From now on, I will be making the pictures in the blog larger because some of you have complained that they are not legible.  I also went back and fixed a few of them on the older posts so that hopefully you can see those as well.


**As always, you can submit unprovoked nasty comments but I will not approve them!

**If you have screenshots that you would like to submit, you may submit a link in the comment or email to


Monday, July 6, 2015

Try harder.

I just checked up on the blog and had 6 new and very rude comments all posted in the span of about 15 minutes clearly trying to make it look like they were from different people and not the same anon.

First of all, that's nearly the same number of comments that I got in a 12 hour period after my most recent post and you're trying to convince me I got the same amount in 15 minutes?  There's not even an active post on my blog right now on CM for it to be getting that much traffic from so many different people.  I can see every page on the web where a link to my blog has been posted, my blogger dashboard tells me this.

And you do know that I can see where you are viewing and posting from, right?  No matter where you are in the world, I can see it.  My blogger dashboard tells me all of these nifty little things.

I really believe that 6 different people all from the same place in the world all happened to post on my blog within 15 minutes of each other.

All you just did was tell me exactly who you are and exactly how nasty you are.

Also, for the record, whether I happen to agree with, like, or even know the aforementioned members of CM or not, I do not agree with or condone the rude things that were said about them in those comments.  I apologize on behalf of this person and I wouldn't have posted the screenshot were it not important to prove a point.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

You just got called out!

You can keep calling the blog lame and then keep coming back and visiting, guys.  No judgement here because I already had your numbers.

I have more screenshots to post and I've gotten some more submissions as well.  I will make another post with them within the next few days hopefully.  Thanks for the submissions and please keep them coming!

For now, enjoy these 3 CM members who got called out on their BS on a post about the blog.  They stopped responding because they knew they had dug a hole they were never getting out of -- a go-to tactic for that type.

Happy Monday, CMers!

Friday, July 3, 2015


So I want to first of all say that I had no idea the amount of time and dedication this would take going in.  Anybody who says they can keep up and consistently monitor and obtain proof of all the goings on of CM has very little to nothing else on their plate -- periodI have multiple children, a husband, a job, etc. and I just don't have the time to page through the whole of CM on a regular basis, so this blog will probably not be updated very often unless I get a lot more submissions from others.  Thank you to the couple of people who sent in a few things.

Remember that you can post rude comments, but I won't approve them!