Monday, July 6, 2015

Try harder.

I just checked up on the blog and had 6 new and very rude comments all posted in the span of about 15 minutes clearly trying to make it look like they were from different people and not the same anon.

First of all, that's nearly the same number of comments that I got in a 12 hour period after my most recent post and you're trying to convince me I got the same amount in 15 minutes?  There's not even an active post on my blog right now on CM for it to be getting that much traffic from so many different people.  I can see every page on the web where a link to my blog has been posted, my blogger dashboard tells me this.

And you do know that I can see where you are viewing and posting from, right?  No matter where you are in the world, I can see it.  My blogger dashboard tells me all of these nifty little things.

I really believe that 6 different people all from the same place in the world all happened to post on my blog within 15 minutes of each other.

All you just did was tell me exactly who you are and exactly how nasty you are.

Also, for the record, whether I happen to agree with, like, or even know the aforementioned members of CM or not, I do not agree with or condone the rude things that were said about them in those comments.  I apologize on behalf of this person and I wouldn't have posted the screenshot were it not important to prove a point.


  1. Wow. Could she have made her identity more obvious? I feel bad for the people that actually befriend her and think she is harmless with her cute memes and I sincerely hope that someone doesn't give her the information she needs to do something horrible with because I really do feel she is capable.

  2. Holy shit all of the words I want to use to describe this person that made these comments would probably not get approved by the blog owner. Holy shit.

    It's almost unbelievable that this person would be so oblivious to believe that anybody would be stupid enough to fall for that.

    I don't know if i can say a name but I for sure know who that is. I guess she won't ever learn.

    1. Yeah, it certainly didn't take her long to make a fool of herself.

  3. Two things. Yeah. Yeah. Don't ask.

    1. You probably needed to show your stats page. It would have shown where everybody was jumping from and such.

    2. You need to edit your screen shots so people can more easily read them. You might have to change your borders.

    1. What am I not asking about? You lost me.

      I'm not screenshotting my stats page and putting it on the blog. Not going to happen. This post wasn't about proving to anybody other than the person it was about that I knew who "she" was and what "she" was up to. If the stats page ever becomes relevant enough to screenshot and post, I will do it. But it's currently not.

      I have viewed the blog on my computer as well as smartphone and tablet and have had no issues seeing the photos. What specifically about them makes them hard to read for you?

  4. Not as many comments on this one as the others I see. I think you scared a lot of them off by saying that you can see where they are lol!!

    1. The only thing you can see is what search engine/operating system they are using, what country they are from, what site you connect from, and what keywords are used to find the site. It doesn't show individual hits, although if traffic is slow enough, you can tell if the same person is visiting.

    2. This is true.

      The subject of this blog picked an awful time to try and remain anonymous because nobody else was viewing except her at the time. lol

    3. Oh, and shows something more specific for me than just the country.

  5. I wish I could post a SS to this reply so you could see how tiny your pictures are. They are completely unreadable and when I try to enlarge them they get blurry.

    1. I am not having any issues at all viewing them. What are you trying to view them on?

  6. Soooo... where am I posting from?

    1. I'm not sure, traffic has spiked in a big way. It's one of a few places, but I couldn't narrow it down at this point in time.

  7. I don't know how she manages to keep her "following" because I want a restraining order on her and I don't even know her. I seriously avoid the shit out of her. She likes to come in a lot of my posts and I'm just like trying to back away slowly..

    The only company she could possibly ever keep for any extended period would be people who are as crazy as she is. Watch, when they find out about this they will be sure to start damage control just like they did with the picture blog if this picks up enough interest.

    1. Yeah, I also avoid all of the ones who are clearly a little (or a lot) "off."

  8. People like her are exactly the reason I only post under anon.

    1. Same here, and same for a lot of other people. And whenever I see somebody posting very personal and sensitive information, I just want to pull them aside and explain to them why that's not a good idea. But that would be pointless, they just have to learn for themselves.

  9. This is fucking comical! Did she really just try to be all like "Oh I bet Sassy has plenty of nasty screenshots but she'll never give them to you now since you called her out BIG MISTAKE" and apparently this person just happens to know Sassy's exact schedule and the days and hours she is on CM? Creepy is as creepy does!


    1. I facepalmed so hard when I logged in and saw those, you have no idea.

  10. I'm not Team Sassy or anything but I hope this blog doesn't just turn into a Sassy bashing blog like The Throne was basically just a 504 bashing blog. We like variety.

    1. I'm not "Team" Anybody and I don't plan to turn this into a place purely to bash Sassy or single anybody else out either. Obviously a lot of people seem to dislike Sassy for reasons that most of us know and I have no control over that. She provokes negativity with actions like the aforementioned screenshots show.

      But to give you a simple answer, no, this wasn't created to be a Sassy Bashing Blog and it will not revolve around her if only for the reason that she would get too many kicks out of being the center of attention.

  11. I see the blog getting a lot of hate on CM but I still see the ticker going up. Crazy how that works right? Most everybody on there is totally full of it.

    So far I like what I see. They don't like it because they know they're gonna get called out. Those of us who are mature and level headed people don't have to worry about that.

    CHEERS to the author and thank you!

    1. You are welcome! I'm glad some of you are liking the blog so far. I have been very busy but I will have an update soon hopefully.

      I pretty much know you can't take anything anybody says on CM as any form of the truth. lol

  12. I just got a couple of members all riled up. I made a post last night about how I had reported someone who was being truly vile and calling others fat trailer trash among other things, and a couple of them jumped on the thread and got sooooo damn mad and said that I was "frivolously" reporting! They were actually upset about it! Like, all in a huff and fighting for a cause they believed in! I can't stop laughing at this stupidity! I'm sending in screenshots.



    1. I checked my email and I got the screenshots. I seriously laughed out loud. Why they so mad though? I will put those up soon and thanks!
