Thursday, July 30, 2015


I was sent this photo and asked to post it in reference to the "Dudebox" drama.  Yes, it's now dubbed "Dudebox."  Don't worry, I didn't copyright it.  Feel free to use it.  The photo was sent along with this message:

"Thanks for posting the screenshots. Can't say I was expecting you to but I was pleasantly surprised. I have another pic I want you to post if you would. This was posted on CM but it was poofed after a very short period and I was bashed for it without being able to tell my side. So here is my side if you would please post it.

I did not post the picture to shame, pick on or disrespect anyone with an actual condition, illness, or going through any type of other negative things in their lives. I posted it to call attention to someone who is lying about these things and she is definitely lying. I keep seeing people say that she isn't lying, and we have been threatening for years, but it's really coming this time. She knows it too because she's scared and she disappeared. She is trying to figure out who is responsible and what is coming. She has lied so much about so many different things that it could be anything. But what she doesn't know is that it's all coming out. This goes so much deeper than juicebox and tourettes. She is scrambling trying to figure out what to do right now. We know she will just come back with a  different SN but it's still about accountability and the truth coming out and the people she has hurt in this process getting closure. She is a shameful person.

So that is my side. I really hope you post it. I want to make it clear that I was not trying to make fun of or disrespect a whole community of people. Just a liar. Thank you."

And the photo:


  1. lol @ Dudebox I so gotta use that

  2. I like the dude and I noticed the same thing anon @ 7:47. There are moms that cross the line all the time. Danes is one of them.

  3. yeah I notice there are those who cross the line all the time acting all upset. If they picked on some members like bb they would be laughing their asses off.

  4. Batman. Is Juicebox.

    Batman posted in a private group that she was Juicebox and posted SS to prove it.She ended up deleting the post a few weeks later when dude was accused of being JB.

    Another girl made a group with JB a few years ago and confirmed that JB was in fact Batman. And before that she was devil something...
