Thursday, July 30, 2015

I heard you wanted drama.

Hello, CMers!

Sorry it's been awhile since the last update.  Summer time and back-to-school season don't leave me with much online time.

Anyway. . .  when I created this blog, it was with the previously-stated intentions.  However, it has been brought to my attention and made very clear by an overwhelming majority that you guys want something different.  And since I'm not making this blog only for myself (that would be silly,) I will appease the masses!  From now on, anything drama-worthy that I see or that you send in will be posted.

It was expressed to me as well that some of you are frustrated with how other blogs ask for submissions, but will only post based on their biases.  No worries here, ladies!  No member is off-limits if they've decided to stir the pot!  I don't care how popular they are!

My e-mail is loaded with screenshots, and I am so out of the CM loop lately.  It looks like I missed a lot.  I am only going to post the 2 most recent ones, however, for the sake of time and not having to scroll down for 3 years.

 First off, the big shocker (probably not a big shocker for some of you, but definitely a big one for others):

It looks like the_dude may be completely full of it.  I will offer my personal opinion and say that while I don't know if the rumor about her being juicebox is true (though it has never looked good on the juicebox front due to many factors including timing, wording, pictures etc. -- it is all far too convenient, which is why she has been accused for so long by so many,) it does appear that she has definitely fudged a lot of her personal details.

In fact, "fudged" is probably too mild and polite of a word if this is adding up to what it seems to be.  There were a TON of screenshots pertaining to this, and I couldn't post them all or this would just be way too long.  But there was one I specifically remember of a certain member expressing concern over the possible deceit because she had apparently become close with the_dude and they had bonded over their "condition."  And beyond that, the list of things she supposedly lied about seems to be very long and very serious.  So far, we have: domestic abuse, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourettes Syndrome, and The World Trade Center Bombing.  That is a pretty comprehensive list of serious ass shit that one should never lie about (aka mock and belittle.) 

Remember, though, that I said it appears she has been dishonest.  I don't have concrete proof.  I'm not sure if anybody does.  If they do, I'm sure it will come out eventually.  Until then, I'm not going to crucify her or call her guilty.  I'm just going to say that it doesn't look good.

This one sort of made me go "wtf" and made me chuckle.  Like, I couldn't figure out if she was trolling.  Or if she's being honest and open about something so ridiculous and she has gathered so many supporters?  Seriously, I opened up the thread and it's full of people who are like "Wow, way to go!"  There's not one person who said the first thing that came to my mind which was "Wow, you married a homophobe?  And you are openly admitting it to the public?  You married and procreated with a man that is a homophobe?  Okay, he changed.  But you didn't know he was going to change.  Most people like that don't change.  They stay set in their ways.  That's bad.  Like, that's really, really bad."  I guess some people on CM can do no wrong!  If anyone else had posted it, they would've been crucified! lol

I'm still hoping she's trolling and she's just really good at it.  Sorry in advance for the ridiculously long screenshots, that's just how she posted it.

Keep the screenshots coming, and thanks for the ones that have already been sent!

What do you think of these members and the current drama?  What else would you like to see featured?  Let me know!


  1. I just don't know what to think. Dude has always been one of my fav members. I haven't seen her be mean to anybody ever. It is hard to believe that she could have lied about those terrible things. But I have been following it and you could not have put it better.

    "It does not look good."

    1. I have definitely seen her be disrespectful to others on more than one occasion.

  2. Dude (no pun intended) I saw that post by TBF and had the same reaction!!!!! Grats to her for marrying a homophobe????? Who in their right fucking mind would marry a homophobe if they aren't a homophobe themselves? She has a gay best friend but married a homophobe? Just no. She is such a liar. Ugh.

    So is dude. Why do all of the popular members seem to be such fucking liars? I guess they flock together.

  3. I am not friends with Dude and don't engage with her online because we just don't click. But, I am far from certain she lied. She said she was talking about her OCD when she said she was diagnosed at the time if the WTC. She HAD mentioned OCD in that thread. If she didn't lie, but was just not careful in making herself clear - because its a casual conversation - jumping to conclusions that she lied can be very hurtful. Just pause before ripping her to shreds.

    1. Like I said, I don't plan to crucify her but it doesn't look good. However, the wording she used would be nonsensical if she was referring to 2 separate conditions.

  4. did you copy this from the other blog? this is the same screenshot from whore island. Look at the bad editing in the middle quote. the lines are off. Or someone saved the quote from that blog and sent it to you.

    1. As far as I know, this is the same (and only) SS of this that has been circulating CM. This is supposedly the original source (according to the sender) but I have no way of confirming that.

    2. Welp whoever told you that lied. I took the SS during all the drama the other day. Someone else has the original, dunno who that is. But I managed to copy paste this before it poofed. I only submitted it to the whore island blog. If it werent for the jagged line, and the fact that the top is cropped in the same part I cropped it, I might think it was the original.
      Guess Ill have to start using water marks.

    3. If you have proof that the image is yours, I will give you credit for the photo. That being said, I can't say I understand why it's a big enough deal to warrant that considering there are apparently multiple copies floating around (according to you) all representing the same thing literally word-for-word. It seems sort of silly to me for you to want everyone to know that this is your copy because of a jagged line.

  5. Yeah like I said on the other post Dude is totally full of shit. So is TBF but I've known that for a long time. She's almost (and I'm stressing almost) as desperate for attention as her cat friend. I don't even open their posts anymore but I saw TBF's new one something about a dress. And I'm sure it's just a post about her fishing for compliments about how she looks in some hideous dress. I guess her homophobe husband doesn't give her enough attention while he's out secretly getting buttfucked lmao.

  6. I knew from day one the dude was fake. It took long enough for the truth to come out.

  7. Two of the most annoying members of CM in one blog post, what a coincidence. They are both full of crap. Where IS dude, though? She is scared shitless I bet. One must have a horrible life to let CM have such an impact on it.

  8. Like I was saying to someone on CM earlier, she claims to have this psycho abusive ex who stalks her and that is why she won't post any pics of her face or of one of her kids. Yet she seems to have no issue discussing very private and identifying details of her life.

    And I gotta say I find that whole homophobic husband thing completely ridiculous. Something there doesn't add up either. Idk wtf is wrong with these people.
    Doesn't add up to me. Shouldn't add up to any logical person. No idea what her team of defenders are thinking on this one. It's mindless nonsense. You are the company you keep I guess.

  9. This is not looking good for the dude.
