Friday, July 17, 2015

Does Readyforbaby2 Own Cafemom Safe Haven?

So it looks like there's another new blog titled "Cafemom Save Have."  I'm pretty sure that's an error and they meant "Cafemom Safe Haven," but they clearly put that blog together in haste and it's sloppy as hell.

The author of the blog has pretty much made herself known without meaning to.  She has created 2 posts about the blog and given out the link in both.  She has also mentioned the blog and linked to it in responses to other posts.  She is the first source to mention the blog on Cafemom.  How did she come upon it?  She is either the author or is involved.  Looks like a couple other people agree with me.  She also poofed the post when she saw that we saw right through her.

It's pretty convincing information to me, but you can all form your own opinions.

The first post on the blog is very disrespectful and includes names and pictures of members and their children, dubbing them "bastards" and "ugly."

**Edited to say that I sincerely apologize to all members of CM who were themselves featured or had their children featured on that blog.  I have personally reported the blog and encourage others to do so as well.


  1. It does not surprise me with the shit I have seen her say. She tries too damn hard.

  2. I thought you'd given up on this blog because I haven't seen an update in a while and I keep a check on it. Anyway this is an interesting one. That Safe Haven blog is fucking terrible. I know it's a broken record, but kids should be OFF LIMITS PERIOD.

  3. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I'm convinced you also run the Whore Island blog. When this one slowed down, that one picked up. Now that the other one has slowed down, this one has a new post after a dry spell?

    Yeahhhhh, seems fishy to me........

  4. I am not the creator of that blog. Nor did I make those posts poof. I have screenshots from CM saying my posts have been taken down. I saw that link in 504babymammi AMA post last night. I am not the first person to mention it.

    1. The only thing you have proof of is that CM poofed your posts and you kept re-posting about it anyway knowing it was against TOS and you were being reprimanded for it by the admin, which would indicate you were pretty desperate to get it seen. If you were really "disgusted" by it, you would've reported the blog like others have and reserved some of the pain and humiliation from the victims by spreading it further.

      And if that wasn't enough, you have proven yourself over and over to be a rude and insulting person on CM (which there are screenshots to prove.)

    2. I did report the blog!

      I'm the only rude and insulting person on CM? And actually I post a lot more nice things than bitchy things. Do you have screenshots of those too?

    3. Have fun calling your lawyer. Be sure to send him/her links to the screenshots of you slandering and defaming others because there are plenty of those.

      Oh, and be sure to actually read up on the laws about slandering and defamation.

      Your true colors are known, but have fun doing damage control and threatening to take laughable legal action.

    4. That blog absolutely is disgusting and I do think the person who created it SHOULD be outed. That said, publicly claiming that it is her of it isn't could be slander. While not as ugly or mean it isn't much different than what the blogger of the other blog is doing. A false statement that could be damaging to ones reputation is slander.

    5. The definition of slander is cut & dry. Slander and defamation lawsuits are not. There's a lot of gray area and fluidity. Aside from that, I haven't slandered her. And aside from THAT, the facts that have presented themselves certainly make her look guilty to me. And aside from THAT, there are actual screenshots of her slandering others.

      So I'm not worried, trust me. lol

    6. And also, I just wanted to add that nothing I have posted on my blog comes close to how she harasses and insults others. I'm not the only one that knows it. Many people have commented on this post calling her names and being rude because of how disrespectful she is, but I haven't approved them. Why? Because I don't condone or encourage that kind of behavior. She, on many proven occasions, has acted in such a way.

  5. Well the post finally got poofed on CM so I decided to come here. I see Readyforbaby2 is here trying to prove something. She has no defense because the whole of CM has seen how rude she is. It's funny she said she's going to call her lawyer, I saw that too. Really hun? Maybe if you weren't so nasty to people all the time you wouldn't be in this situation. Go ahead and call that lawyer and let us know what he says so I can laugh some more.

  6. Is that why you changed the title of your post? Don't worry I have screen shots of it before the change. I also have screen shots of that post on CM as well. Why make the changes and poof your post if I couldn't take legal action against you?

    As far as my "true colors" you have no idea who I am. And you the author of this blog have shown more than enough about your own sad life.

    1. I didn't poof it, CM poofed it. But that's beside the point.

      I'm not the slightest bit worried about being sued because I know my laws and you have no grounds. No crimes have been committed by me. But like I said, have fun with that. The lawyer might even take your money!

    2. So then why'd you change the title of your blog?
      Did you get tired of being a hypocrite?

    3. I'm going to quote my friend here:


      Run along, I won't be approving anymore of your comments. You've (as usual) stooped to insulting and name-calling, which is typical for you. I'm above that and I'm not going to return it.

      I will just say that you've proven my point.

      Do let me know what your lawyer says on Monday, though!

  7. Lol! Is she serious? She's seriously trying to say she's going to sue you? Comical! I bet the lawyer laughs at her. "Hey um Mr. Lawyer Man this girl is saying mean things about me online and I want to sue her. She posted screenshots of me being being rude and slandering others, but it's okay if i do it right??" And her defense is priceless! "I actually post a lot more nice things than bitch things! I'm not the ONLY meanie!" I wanna see some of these "nice" things she has supposedly said because I sure as hell never saw them with MY OWN EYES!

    I reported the Haven blog too. Whoever is responsible for it, it is NOT okay!!!!!!

  8. You are grasping at straws linking her to that blog.

    1. What proof do you have? Other than an assumption?

    2. You're mistaken if you think you're someone I feel I need to prove myself to.

    3. Adding that I mean no offense by my previous statement, it probably came off as rude but I meant it matter-of-factly.

  9. So you have no proof. You're just going off of the fact that she posted about the blog? I'm going to guess she offended you somehow with her rude remarks and this is your way of retaliation.

    1. lol You are probably her since I stopped approving her comments.

  10. What happened, why did this blog die?

  11. This blog is open to invited readers only

    1. Good. I know I reported it and several others say they did as well. I'm glad the Google admins are more proactive than the CM admins.
