Friday, July 3, 2015


So I want to first of all say that I had no idea the amount of time and dedication this would take going in.  Anybody who says they can keep up and consistently monitor and obtain proof of all the goings on of CM has very little to nothing else on their plate -- periodI have multiple children, a husband, a job, etc. and I just don't have the time to page through the whole of CM on a regular basis, so this blog will probably not be updated very often unless I get a lot more submissions from others.  Thank you to the couple of people who sent in a few things.

Remember that you can post rude comments, but I won't approve them!


  1. It is clear my definition of mean is different, because I see nothing mean about any of these comments.

  2. Wow. The one that really got me was Dude saying "I'll remember that"
    Like, she's gonna remember it for what purposes? Seems out of character for her. True colors might just be showing through. Creepy.

    And I remember seeing that crazycuckoo person posting about being on disability and FS once, and a week later she was posting and bashing people on welfare. I see so much hypocrisy on CM it's ridiculous. . .

    1. She couldn't have been on FS. She's Canadian and there's no such thing as FS here.

  3. could you be any more obvious, Bo?

    1. I'm not Bo. Nobody would ever guess in a million years who I am because I fly so far under the radar.

  4. -legs- here

    Those shoes sucked. Im okay with this.
    Why? Its the Internet. Lmao

    1. You're okay with what? The fact that you think the shoes sucked or the fact that it got posted here? Or both? And what does the internet have to do with you being okay with it? I'm not making the connections.

      If someone less hated had posted a pic of the same shoes, the reactions to them would've been different. Deny it all you like, but it's true. The shoes were far from the "shiteous" hunks of garbage that you all made them out to be. They weren't the most glamorous, either, but still. That's how CM works, 50% exaggeration and another 50% BS.

    2. They were shoes. Nothing special or postworthy. Just shoes. Saying they are ugly is personal opinion just as much as thinking they are worthy of a post. In the end, Bopeep's history would suggest that she got the responses that she was looking for. You can't hate on that too much. It's what keeps CM alive and interesting. These comments don't even compare to some of the things said on CM. In your efforts to gather material to appease the masses, you posted mundane and relatively harmless replies.

      Please up your game to make this blog visit worthy in the future.

    3. You wouldn't walk up to somebody IRL and call their shoes ugly or "shiteous," that's pure online mean girl persona. If someone had shoes like that IRL and asked for your opinion, you would say something like "Not my style, but whatever floats your boat."

      And yes, I don't know you, blah blah blah, but I know people and how they act in general.

      Also, if you don't visit, that's fine. I didn't make this blog for you and I'm getting page views regardless.

    4. Thats not a valid comparison. No one tracked down the poster to say her shoes were ugly. SHE posted her shoes to 100s of strangers. No one would go up to numerous strangers in public and show them their new shoes. You are comparing an online interaction with one that would never occur in person. Apples and oranges.

    5. It's a very valid comparison. It's interaction with another human being. The medium on which it is performed is completely irrelevant. Someone doesn't deserve less respect because you are communicating with them through the internet and they don't deserve more respect IRL.

      And you must not get out much if you've never had anybody in public or private (complete stranger or not) ask your opinion on their shoes, hairstyle, outfit, etc. I am frequently asked by other women while out shopping or whatever my opinion on things. Yes, sometimes complete strangers. I know I can't be the only one.

  5. It's adorable that you think these comments are mean and worthy of being "blasted".

  6. Thats the meanest you could find? Looks like MC isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

    1. Refer to my comment above about how it's crazy that things must get taken to extremes before it's deemed "rude" or "unacceptable" to some of you.

      The fact is that none of you would say those things IRL to people under the same circumstances.

      There were also plenty meaner, but of course the most crude ones were by anons. I'm not going to post anything by anons, but I do report them when I see things like that. I also said I didn't realize how much time and effort it was going to take, so I'm sure there was more material, I just didn't have the time to get to it. I'm counting on more submissions in the future.

      These are still rude.

    2. Simple rudeness is not blogworthy IMO. I guess we shall see.

    3. Nobody is forcing you to read the blog.

      I'm sure you'll be back regardless.

  7. I think it's funny that you apparently have to take it to extremes for you people to think that it's unacceptable.

  8. You said "you people". That's incredibly rude.

  9. LMFAO @ some of these comments! It's exactly what I was expecting though. Rude, negative people will always grasp at any straws they can find to continue spreading their vile. They think they are fooling the rest of us. They think their persona is "cool" but the only people it's cool to are the other miserable meanies. I wish I knew what it was about CM that seems to attract those types because I don't know anybody like that IRL. Or maybe I do and they are just cowards and use places like CM as an outlet.

    Makes sense now that I thought about it in that light.

  10. You know I would love to see one of these guys say the wrong thing to the wrong person in the REAL WORLD and see what happens. Some real comedy would ensue I think. But they won't do that, no they will just continue in their cowardly ways behind the safe screen and anonymity of the internet.

  11. LOL. Oh this drama. Comment me directly if you hate me over posting shit. I promise I'll listen.

    1. Nobody said anything about hate, you're exaggerating. Hatred is not what I am trying to inspire with this blog and the only malice I have seen has come from others, not me.

  12. I have seen a lot worse than these. Not saying these aren't bad but I just wonder why you picked these vs. the worse ones.

    I remember seeing a lot of awful ones and thinking 'hey I should SS that for the blog' but I'm lazy. Maybe next time I will.

    Only a couple of these really shocked me. A couple of those people I usually don't see being rude. Then again I'm not on CM 24/7 like some of the members. I can honestly say that I am never rude to anybody. If people try to start with me I completely ignore it. I don't know why it seems to be so hard for others.

    1. Most of the really bad ones (that I saw) were from anons and I don't want to post anything by anons. There is some accountability (as little as it may be) when a screen name is present.

      Also, if you had read the actual words on the blog it says that this requires much more time than I have to put together. I am sure there was worse, I just didn't have the time to find it. I am hoping more people will submit some things.

      None of these shocked me, but I am a lurker and lurkers tend to notice more than your average member.

  13. I will say what I said on the other post.

    If the rude members truly act this way irl and it is a part of who they are, they are setting an awful example for their children and creating an awful environment for them.

    However if they claim that this is just an online persona and they would never act that way irl, they know it is wrong and that they should not be doing it.

    They are wrong either way. And this applies to all of the people featured in the screenshots. Let's grow up for the sake of ourselves and our children. Let's set a positive example.

    1. I really couldn't have said it better myself. You just completely shut them down. There is no room for argument with the case you just made. There is truly NO REASON and NO JUSTIFICATION for being rude to others, no matter what platform of communication it is.

  14. How can I submit things?

    1. Sorry for the late reply, I have been incredibly busy with the holiday.

      You can either email them to or if you aren't comfortable with email you can just put a link in a comment here and I will get it from there. I moderate all comments and only I will see the comment. I will not approve it for others to see.


  15. I'm with the PP, how can I submit screenshots? I have some already.

    It's crazy how some of the "most liked" and "nicest" moms made the blog. I guess they aren't so nice after all. I'm sooooo shocked! (SARCASM)

    1. Sorry for the late reply, I have been incredibly busy with the holiday.

      You can either email them to or if you aren't comfortable with email you can just put a link in a comment here and I will get it from there. I moderate all comments and only I will see the comment. I will not approve it for others to see.


  16. Going through the comments it seems these women didn't even read the blog post but rather just looked at the pretty pictures. It's like how children only want picture books. LOL

    Then again what do you expect from some of these types? God forbid you actually take in the information provided to you before you comment with irrelevant information that has already been addressed. So much foolishness. *eyeroll*

    1. I'm laughing so hard at that kids and picture books analogy!! It's so accurate!

  17. Are you the anon who was preaching on bo's post about being nice? The sentiment was nice but of course it got bashed by the usual resident drama queens. They will take one wrong word said (and it's usually the reaction that they baited to get) and dwell on it and bash that member for all time. Most of them are considered to be the "nice" members, hah, BS! This is exactly why I don't try to make friends or alliances on there!

    1. That wasn't me, but I saw it and agreed 100%.

    2. I guess that's why you posted all of these "rude" comments and none of Bopeep's nasty ones. Makes sense

  18. It has been said that cm is like high school, but I would rather say these women treat it like a sorority. There are so many who will say anything to be with the "cool" crowd. There have been so many nice members who have changed and I wouldn't doubt they have taken crap from the "nice" members and don't care. It's like oh yay the mean girls love me!!! I am so cool now..yay!

    1. Exactly this, thank you. I have seen many members who started out as pretty nice, level-headed people who actually contribute in a positive way to conversations only to be torn down by the nasty nellies and then be converted to one themselves. It's a vicious cycle.

      It's crazy what is considered "nice" and what is considered "rude" by them. It's like they live in a parallel universe.

    2. It's really like that, two very different worlds.
      I have noticed that they use the same "logic" to justify bullying. They tell those they are picking on that they are cry babies and if it's so bad then the internet isn't for them. They may not even say much, just defend their side of things.
      It used to be a lot of actual conversations and like you said level headed members contributing something, but now it's about how to tear others down and get approval from the other mean girls. It looks like they are really trying to out-do the each other.
      The sad thing is there are so many gullible women on cm and all it takes is a few of the "cool" kids to spread rumors for many to soak it all up because why would a well known member lie right?

    3. A good example for what you just stated would be the whole Sassygate ordeal. She openly admitted that she contributed to the blogs that said many rude things and posted many member photos without permission. She openly admitted in a post under her SN that she was involved so this is not speculation or lies or rumors. A lot of people were upset about it. But she and her group of "friends" kept saying that all who were outraged by it were the crazy ones, not them.

      And now it's like it never even happened.

      She was one of the first who tried to comment on this blog, but I wouldn't approve it. Guess what it said!! Something about how we're too sensitive. They are like crude, broken records.

    4. This is spider goddess. I feel everyone has a right to how they feel and I don't think people are crazy for being outraged. I wasn't upset on *my* behalf. I can't tell people how to feel about anything and I said that on MC more than once.

  19. Oh imagine that. Sassy was one of the first to try and comment. I bet she can't stand not to be included in something CM related

    Whenever somebody mentions her I think of her in a commercial for Calvin Klein's "Obsession" fragrance. Only she's not obsessed with the fragrance in the commercial. It's her with a tablet in hand loaded with CM standing in front of her padlocked room full of her grandkids that she is forcing to "preserve" for her

    I'll be surprised if this comment makes it through but I sure did entertain myself with that one
