Sunday, June 28, 2015

Welcome to CM Troublemakers, ladies!

This is a CM blog that I feel stands out from the rest.  The sole purpose is not to be inflammatory or to incite drama.  The true intent of this blog is to call attention to the members that consistently try to make CM a negative place.  I will be posting screenshots of any activity that I come across that would be considered negative, rude, childish, inflammatory, etc.  The goal is to be completely unbiased in my postings.  I am a long-time member of CM, and mainly a lurker.  I don't associate myself with any "cliques" or any individual members on a close basis so I hope to remain true and give only unbiased opinions and solid facts.

Some (actually a lot) of the activity that I witness on CM from adult females is truly shocking.  This is why I will be compiling information to show the true colors of many members for not only others to see, but the guilty parties to see for themselves.  Personally speaking, if I was one of these nasty people and one of my children or friends or any member of my family were to come across a compiled list of all of the nasty things I had said on CM, I would be mortified.  It's easy to act like a fool when you think nobody you care about will ever see it, but that doesn't justify it.  And there's no guarantee that they will never see it, because nothing on the internet ever really goes away.

I do not have a stash of backdated screenshots.  I will be posting only information that has been posted on CM from this point forward.  I also don't have a ton of time on my hands, so I am asking the CM community to help me out here.  If you witness any of the aforementioned behavior, please screenshot it and email it to  All submissions are appreciated and remember the sooner you send things in, the sooner I can get them posted.  Keep an eye out in the next few days for the first "real" post!

Constructive criticism and feedback on the blog is appreciated.

**This is not a place to bash and be nasty or name-call in the comments.  Opinions of certain members or certain posts are welcome, whether negative or positive, but remember that you don't have to state your opinion in a nasty way.  The truth can be stated without adding insult to injury and I will not be approving any nasty comments. 

**And for those of you nasty nellies who don't want to show up on this blog, all you have to do is stop being nasty.  Once something is posted, I have no intentions of taking it down.  You said it, own it.


  1. I saw your post after the blog post got poofed and I'm not ashamed to say that I came here and looked. And I'm also not ashamed to say that I will keep a check on the site. Hell, I might even give you some material to work with. God knows there is plenty of it.

    I'm just as tired of all of the rude people on CM as everybody else and I refuse to believe that they represent the majority. They just intimidate and frighten others into not sharing their opinions if they may differ from their own. It's dispicable.

  2. Honestly this has been done before. But I'm a sucker for anything cm related it's my guilty pleasure. So bring it on I say. Anxiously awaiting your next post lol.

    1. Still waiting for a link to where this "has been done before" but nobody seems to be able to provide one.

  3. You think you're being original? You can't be a long time member as you claim then. This has been done before dear.

    1. I'm waiting for a link to these blogs that are apparently the same. Nobody has been able to produce one as of yet.

  4. Replies
    1. No on what exactly?

      Or is that just your cat persona talking?

      I can never tell with you cat people.

  5. I am watching the post about this blog live on CM right now. I can't get over how many of these ppl will defend with all of their heart that it's okay to be rude to people. If only they could be as passionate about other things, they could do some good in the world. So consumed with negativity they are. What a burden it must be.

    1. This kind of attitude makes you a "crybaby," didn't you know?

      I'm scared my eyes are going to get stuck staring at the back of my head these people make me roll them so much. lol

  6. Dude I'm here for the laughs plain and simple. I'll even admit I have been rude to people before but it's always been some bitch that started it and I needed to defend myself!! CM is entertainment plain and simple and I hope this blog will be too! I agree that a lot of members take it way too far with their BS and I wouldn't mind one bit seeing them called out because the admins don't seem to do anything about a select few!! "The Untouchables" is what I have dubbed them!! LOL

  7. *yawn*

    Where's all the SS at?

  8. So here's my advice
    Don't discourage drama because that's what we all love. I mean, like, it's okay to want to keep it under control, but I wouldn't keep the muzzle too tight or this is going to fizzle out real quick. But I will say that I can appreciate the sentiment behind this and I get what you're going for. I just don't know how you can spin it to keep it fresh and entertaining. But I'm rooting for you!

  9. We all know the same fuckin people run all these blogs and they single out the same people doing the same shit. I'll be pleasantly surprised if you do it different. Waiting for more posts.

    1. I can assure you that I have never authored a CM-related blog before and I don't associate with anybody who has.

      Hopefully I can bring in some different entertaining elements than the usual bullshit the others have. I'm open to feedback, as I said in the post.

  10. Some of you people act like Cafemom is the only place on the internet where people are rude, mean, etc. It isn't. Facebook is far worse than cafemom will ever be. Lame blogs like this isn't going to change anything. If anything, it will be a place to check out when I am bored.

    1. I haven't seen anybody "act" like CM is the only place where people are rude. It just happens to be a place that we visit where people are rude. It does seem like an overwhelming number of members are rude in comparison to other places on the web, however.

      But I don't have these issues on fb personally, but then again I don't keep rude people added on my fb.

  11. I do see a lot of mean girl mentality on mc. One thing is they don't seem to care that some women might not be in a good state of mind and while no it is not our responsibility on how someone feels, it isn't that hard to be decent. Then again if you mention bullying they like to say how people don't like opinions different than their own and that's not what anyone is saying. Bullying. Following members around post to post to make personal attacks on that member is bullying. Spreading lies about a member that they know is a lie just to stir the pot is bullying, too. However, to them that's what being "honest" is. That is the big girls with their big panties. It's just part of how Mc is etc...well, to me tearing someone down for fun isn't a part of being an adult. Anyone who says what I have said though is being a cry baby even though no one is crying or hurt in any way. They all say pretty much the same thing, like a bunch of wind up dolls with all the same minds.

    1. Exactly this. But the fact that you put all of your thoughts into this post makes you "care too much," that's another one they like to use.

      IMO they "care too much" about being nasty.

      Thanks for the comment and support.

    2. Yep, it's very one sided. They can be nasty but if anyone says anything against it yeah they care too much. They do care about being nasty.
      There is also the anonymous button
      I am not against the anonymous button just those who use it to harass others. The thing with being anonymous and being a jerk, the person can pretty much have a sweet persona then a whole other side of them that maybe just the other bullies see. I do think it has it's place for sure, but too many people have it that shouldn't.

      You are welcome:)

  12. You might want to read up on blogger's updated content policy regarding blogs like this. Whether you want to believe it or not, they aren't as tolerant any more of blogs like this. If they decide this blog is meant to harrass or someone reports it, they, at the very least, will make the blog invite only. I refer you to the other three lame blogs, which are invite only.

    1. It states on the first post that this blog isn't for name calling or being nasty and I haven't approved any of the comments that were (and there have been a few.)

      If that happens, I'll just have to start over from a new angle.

      I'm glad to know that they do some type of moderation on these now because my plan wasn't to use it as a "bitch group" where people can be as rude and insulting as they like with no consequences like the other "lame" blogs.

      In short, we'll see.

  13. Are you ever going to stop replying to comments and start posting these alleged screen shots?

    1. Did you read the post? It said it would be a few days. Also lol at the fact that you want me to stop replying to comments, yet you commented and gave me one to reply to.

  14. Well yay to PacMan80 not being called out.

  15. I agree, very shocking from a group of parents. If their kids turn out that way, it's double sad.

    Here is my thing. If they truly do act this way irl, they are setting an awful example for their kids.

    However, if it's just a rude online persona and they wouldn't dream of being so rude irl, they know it's wrong and they shouldn't be doing it.

    It's wrong period.
